MiS Logo:

Welcome to the home page of Men-In-Skirts.org. We're glad to have you here and hope that you find this site both pleasing and challenging to your senses.

Steven and Zara would like to thank Dave, one of the managers of the old MSN group "Why Not Skirts for Men", for the MiS logo - not the text - you see above. He's very talented indeed!

The site is undergoing a serious and long-overdue revamp so if you find things out-of-date please accept our apologies. If you have any suggestions to improve the site please let us know. At present we only have an amateur, part-time IT team, so if you have skills you would like to offer, at no cost, also please let us know. You can email Steven here.

Over the Australian winter of 2010 we hope to do some serious work to improve not only this web site but also the prospect of men being able to wear skirts openly and publicly without ridicule as soon as possible. There will be numerous pages added either as links or, with the permission of the owners, as copies of material on other sites.

Please read this article and feel free to comment.